Apr 30, 2015 | gburns | 686 views
Hello all,
Welcome to the Diamonds. My name is Greg Burns and I will be one of your coaches this season along with Pam Patterson. We are both very excited to get started with this group. I just wanted to send a quick note to introduce ourselves and to let you know our first practice date. We will have our first practice on Monday, May 4 from 6:30 - 8PM on Gemini Field # 3 (that's the 3rd field in from the road behind the arena).
Our regular practice night will be Monday with games on Wednesday. On Monday we will get to know each other a bit, get our uniforms and have some fun on the field. I already know many of the girls on the team and I can't wait to meet the rest of you. I look forward to seeing all of us improve individually and as a team this summer.
A couple of other parents have already offered to help out as needed so I think we should have a great summer. Please feel free to send Pam or I a note if you have any questions or comments.
If your child has any medical issues that I should know about, you can let me know that as well. Keep checking the web site for our league schedule - it is not yet posted.