May 04, 2015 | mgreven | 685 views
Welcome !!!
Welcome everyone to the Under 18 Girls Strathroy Strikers.
My name is Tracy Ferreira and I am happy to be your coach
for this year of soccer !!!
I will be having our first practice and uniform distribution
at the GEMINI #4 field (fourth one in from the street) on Wednesday May 6th
from 6:50pm to 8:30pm. I would like to plan for 10 mins for uniforms and then a
good 1.5 hr practice.
If you can’t make it or need any information the easiest and
fastest way to reach me is by text to my cell phone at 519-702-3827
I also recommend that you stay updated on our team by
visiting the website at
– this is very informative as well.
Look forward to seeing you all there!!
Coach Tracy